mardi 9 décembre 2014

Traveling the World for Free

Traveling in different countries can cost several thousand dollars, no matter where you travel. Flights to high prices, hotel rates and other fees can put a huge register on the wallet itself. However, there are several ways one can travel abroad without paying pocket money. In fact, these programs can earn money by volunteering for these organizations. Here is a list of the four organizations that offer world travel for free or a very small fraction of the cost of traveling alone is shown.

The Peace Corps: The Peace Corps is the most popular program of volunteering in the world. With the current economy many college graduates are taking the road of Peace Corps to travel the world. Offering appointment two years in Africa, Asia and South America, the Peace Corps you can travel to places and help the less fortunate at the same time. In addition to providing assistance to the needy, the Peace Corps also offers decent allocation to its members.

The United Nations Volunteers program of the United Nations shall professionals from various walks of life throughout the world. Not only the United Nations pay for all your expenses, but also foot the bill for airfare, vaccines, passports and medicines you may need. Volunteers also receive scholarships and grants are adjusted for the economy will be for your efforts. The United Nations is always looking for people in certain areas and options on offer between six months and beyond.

Art Body: The Body Art is a program designed specifically for professional artists. The program uses art as an educational tool and gives artists "hands on" opportunity to see some of the best places in the world. This program requires some personal funds raised by volunteers, but the cost of travel is covered by Article Corps. Most missions take approximately 11-12 months. This program provides experts in the IT industry in countries that are starting to use computers regularly. The program covers the cost of travel and accommodation while providing a benefit for the individual. These courses are for a period of 1 to 6 months at a time usually short term.

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