mercredi 10 décembre 2014

Traveling the Silk Road

Great Silk Road, as a trade route arose in W-century BC and lasted until the sixteenth century. Many devastating wars, destruction, fires, famine and pestilence have seen the ancient trading cities along Traveling the Silk Road. Some of them have sunk into oblivion, leaving the ruins of the legendary descendants, other than once blazed with fire, and killed again revived, to amaze the world with riches, blue domes, openwork terracotta band of mausoleums and mosques. Centuries multilingual, bazaars, hundreds of years along the dusty caravan roads were carried for sale to Europeans silks and precious stones, spices and dyes, gold and silver, exotic birds and animals south.
Traveling the Silk Road, one of the most significant achievements in the history of world civilization. Widespread network of caravan ways crossed Europe and Asia from the Mediterranean to China and served in ancient times an important means of trade and cultural exchanges between East and West. The longest part of the Silk Road passed through the territory of Central Asia, including Kyrgyzstan. Caravans laden with silk from China, spices and precious stones from India, silver goods from Iran, Byzantine paintings, afrosiab ceramics and many other goods went through the deserts of Karakum and Kyzyl Kum, through the oases of Merv and Khorezm, the boundless steppes of Sary-Arka; overcame passes of the Pamirs, Tien Shan, Altai, crossed the river Murghab, Amu Darya and Syr Darya.
On the road caravans began to emerge and flourish the rich cities, trade and craft settlements, caravan sheds. Turkmenistan - Merv; Uzbekistan - Bukhara, Samarkand, Urgench, Khiva. Kazakhstan - Otrar, Turkestan, Taraz, Ispedzhab. Kyrgyzstan - Julie, Suyab, Novokent, Balasagun, Borskoon, Tash-Rabat, Osh, Uzgen.

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