dimanche 19 avril 2015

Dakhla, Western Sahara

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Dakhla : is a city in Western Sahara under Moroccan control. It is the capital of the Moroccan administrative region Oued Ed-Dahab-Lagouira. It has about 55,618 inhabitants, and is built on a narrow peninsula of the Atlantic Coast (Península de Río de Oro) about 550 km south of El Aaiún (Laayoune).


The main economic activity of the city is fishing and tourism. In recent years the town has become a centre for aquatic sports, such as kitesurfing, windsurfing and surf casting and is known as a centre for watersports.
Golfo de Cintra and the World Heritage of the Banc d'Arguin National Park located in south.
Dakhla is well-known for watersports including kitesurfing and windsurfing

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