mercredi 11 février 2015

Yading's Snow Mountain and Pearl Lake, China

Pearl lake is build what always decide reservoir of river bead nest to form is laky, because of the river mussel amount that grows inside the lake much and big, get a pearl lake. Situation of hill of pearl lake two sides is abrupt, cliff of cliff of summerly autumn season is bestrewed lichenous, blooming wild flower, colour is flowery. Clear green jade shows lake water, calm is like lens, shadow of blue sky, Bai Yun, high mountain, tree, repose among them, just be like a natural landscape painting. Lake face can swing paddle to go boating, fish scoop up shrimp, it is Beijing truly the bright phearl of a bright in river gorge always is being decided on the west. The living things in pearl lake water is various, like the friend of go angling, can to the top of one's bent distinguish oneself. Suitable lake pilots a boat and go up, apricot of one natural dorp spends a village. There are more than 100 apricots to spend a tree inside the village, annual Chun Nuanhua opens season, apricot flower is opened eagerly, bring another beautiful scenery to pearl lake. 

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