samedi 13 décembre 2014

Enjoy London RIB Voyages !

There are several reasons that make London RIB Voyages the perfect way to enjoy your holiday. TIME OUT has rated London Rib Voyages as one of the top five things you should do while in London. The London Rib Voyages achieved a Gold Award tourist attraction in its first year of service.

London Rib Voyages cover a much larger area of classical visit Thames. This means that you and your family can experience even more in the long delays return offered. This trip takes you under the bridges of the Thames. You are so close to the water, you can discover the real feeling of the Thames.

On every trip there are expert guides that offer a wealth of information that will teach you something new while entertaining at the same time. London Rib Voyages in all groups are limited to a maximum of twelve passengers for you and your family can fully interact with your guide, ask all the questions that come to mind. All guides are certified and fully explored and documented the Thames and its interesting history.

London ridge inflatable boats (RIBs) are allowed to carry passengers in a completely secure and convenient. These ships offer a great, relaxing trip at a great price. Do not let the price makes you feel insecure because all models are commercially qualified. Each captain has had years of experience in high-speed, semi-rigid boats.

Whether you take a trip solo, couples get away or a family vacation, you will be able to experience the River Thames in the most comfortable way on a RIB Voyage London. Prices are still very reasonable and worth a hundred ever.

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